Fire Brings Giant Zucchinis - Continued
Dear Gardening Friends,
Thank you for your heartwarming messages during our recent fire emergency. Our office, trial gardens and Renee’s home were all evacuated for 10 days because of the CZU Lightning Complex Fire. On our return, besides airborne ash to clean up, there were lots of overripe vegetables in the trial garden including these gigantic zucchini! While we made use of the ones we could, most were tough and seedy and ended up enriching our compost pile.
We are all fine and there was no damage to any part of Renee’s Garden. Sadly, this 86,000 acre fire (now fully contained) destroyed over 925 homes in our county and recovery is just beginning for all those hit by this tragedy. Our firefighters and first responders are true heroes and we are eternally grateful for all their hard work, bravery and valor on behalf of our community under extremely tough conditions.
Renee Shepherd