“One daffodil is worth a thousand pleasures.”
For autumn planting, we’ve selected six distinctive blends of easy to grow perennial daffodil bulbs for an irresistible display of lovely, cheerful flowers in an array of different forms, colors and sizes.
Our mixes include our favorite special varieties based on many years of growing and enjoying these optimistic spring beauties. Each mix combines many varieties of early, midseason and late bloomers for the longest possible flowering season.
Whether you plant them in full sun or part shade, you’ll be rewarded with ample flowers to truly light up the garden and cut for gorgeous early-season bouquets. Beyond their beauty, versatile daffodils are rarely troubled by pests or disease and even hungry deer and gophers don’t bother them.
You can count on these selections to produce hardy, reliable spring flowers. We've carefully chosen only the largest size, top quality bulbs that will naturalize easily and rebloom effortlessly each season. In subsequent seasons, you’ll have considerably more than you started with. What’s not to like! Enjoy!
Note: for best results, customers in USDA zone 10 should prechill bulbs in fridge for 6 weeks before planting.
Sorry, daffodil bulbs cannot be shipped to Hawaii or Canada. |